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Another fine mess...

Yusuf sat alone at Rickardo’s, a low rent dive he'd visited a few times when he was in this part of Coriolis. Rickardo’s wasn’t so much a place where everyone knows your name, as it is a place where no one even asks because that sort of information can get a man killed... or worse.
Yusuf began to ponder the mounted animal head that passed for decoration here, trying to work out its planet of origin and just how many limbs it had before it became separated from its body.

“I reckon six and some sort of tail” he mumbled to himself without realising and the bartender grunted something indecipherable that could have been a confirmation or he could have just been asking if he needed a refill.

He did

He'd been nursing his fire kohol for the last 15 minutes and couldn't make it last any longer. He took one last gulp and signalled for it to be filled again. Yusuf didn't normally drink alone, but he wasn't in the mood for company today. Sure he'd usually start the night alone but he'd soon find himself with someone on his arm or a group of strangers buying him drinks hanging on his every word. The stories were normally some exaggerated tale about a dig he'd been on or whatever local authority he was avoiding the attention of. Most of them had a basis in truth but as with all things they grew in the retelling.

Still he wasn't in the mood for company tonight, well not the usual sort he found in a place like this. No tonight the only companionship he wanted came at the bottom of a glass and made a satisfying clink when the ice hit the side of the glass. He heard the sound of the door to the bar open but he couldn't quite muster the energy to look at who had entered, a shame he would later think to himself when remembering this night. Perhaps a few more seconds warning would have given him the wits to ask for the bottle, but the truth is he was too drunk to make a fight of it and not so drunk that he wouldn't have cared.

But those regrets were for the future; right now the only thought that went through Yusuf’s mind was contemplating the void at the bottom of the glass.

“Hello Yusuf”

He recognised the voice immediately – a slithering, needful rasp he hoped never to hear again.

Yusuf continued to sip his drink not looking up at the man who was addressing him.

“Hello Ugarte”

Ugarte pulled up a seat next to Yusuf ordered a drink, lit a cigarette and eyed Yusuf with curiosity, a small amount of pity and a fare degree of paranoia.

“It's has been too long Yusuf, our mutual acquaintances have become quite nostalgic about you, tell me do you not want to see your old friends again.”

Yusuf turned to face Ugarte and seeing him face on was reminded why he had kept his face in his drink till now. He had a look somewhere between a coiled viper and a sewer rat, and Yusuf couldn't quite decide which part was more unsettling.

“My shoulder still hurts from the last job I did for my 'old friends' Ugarte and when I say last job I MEAN last job, my debts been paid and if your boss has a problem with that tell him to talk to me himself not send some lapdog.”

“Why Yusuf you are always so cruel to me, have you no kind words for a former colleague.”

“Ugarte you're possibly the worst, most contemptible human being I've ever met, you have the morals of a scorpion and all the charm of an open sewer. You’re a parasite who clings to the coat tails of better men”

“Don't pretend that you are so much better than me, I saw you when you were scraping around in the dirt desperate for your fix, begging for my employers money. You are no less a parasite than me.”

“I don't mind a parasite, I object to a cut-rate one.”

“Always so cutting Yusuf, but I know what it is that you want... and that you will never achieve it without help. So perhaps you should be more polite to the man who can give you everything you want, for such a small price.”

“What are you talking about Ugarte, whatever you’re selling I’m not buying now make like a tree and get hacked up by an axe and used for firewood.”

Ugarte let out a sigh “Very well Yusuf, I suppose my employer will have to find somebody else to help, after all what use could a man like you have with a man who has friends in banks all over this sector.”

As Ugarte began to leave Yusuf quickly finished his drink – made the sign of the Lady of Tears and briefly contemplated holding onto his dignity... but dignity is the luxury of younger men.

“UGARTE! Tell your employer I’ll meet with him, but this is just a meeting no promises.”

“No promises of course Yusuf, after all you are done with that part of your life.”

Ugarte’s lips formed something that on another face would be described as a smile but looked more like a cartoon shark preparing to eat some unaware prey. Yusuf couldn’t see his face, but he had seen that look enough times to know what was coming.

Yusuf entered the office of Don Zahed, a vision of wood and leather. He wondered to himself how so much leather could have been gathered in a part of the galaxy with no cows, then thought that cows weren’t the only animal that could be skinned and suddenly began to wonder whether one day his skin would be used to make one of the Don’s chairs. He shuddered, put the thought out of his mind and greeted the Don.

Don Zahed rose from his seat extended his arms kissed Yusuf on both cheeks and exclaimed...

“YUSUF you son of a whore it has been too long, what has taken you so long to come see me. Did I treat you so poorly?” “Please come sit down, join me will you have some Arrash, a good fire kohol perhaps, what is your poison these days.”

“I try not to limit myself Don Zahed, but let’s start with the fire kohol; I remember you had some excellent single malts the last time I was here.”

“Ah yes of course you are a fire kohol man, come, come, tell me off your latest trips... have you found anything of interest... you know how I like your funny stories. Any interesting artefacts? Or perhaps some strange exotic women I should know about hey?”

“A few finds Don Zahed, but nothing significant enough to keep my head above water and a few things that paid off handsomely but still waiting for that big score.”

“Aren’t we all dear boy, are businesses are not so different I think.”

“True but I dig things up, you tend towards the opposite.”

“AHAHAHAHA you are right of course though not so often as you think... I am practically a legitimate business man now.”

“And is your interest in me one of a legitimate business man? You know I like you Don Zahed, but once I paid off my debt to you I wanted to stay clean.”

“Yes Yes of course my boy, and I do not want you to become indebted to me again, you are not a young man and debts of the size you require I would not so easily lend to one so past his prime AHAHAHAHA.”

“Hey watch it Zahed I could still match you drink for drink or fist for fist, don’t take the grey hair as some indication that I’ve slowed down.” “And what do you mean lend me money, you were the one who called me here and I have no interest in taking your cash.”

“NO NO, of course not but you are a friend Yusuf I take an interest in my friends business... and of course if I can help I always will.” “It is Ugarte he has been looking out for your well being for me and he said that you had been looking for a loan – one of some size he suggested.”

“That sneaky son a... look that’s a legitimate business arrangement. I wanted the money for a ship, with the last few jobs I did you and some extra work on the side I’ve built up a little nest egg... enough to get me started at least... figured I could maybe get myself a mining vessel, really get into the big leagues. Unfortunately the banks don’t exactly consider me a good investment... not exactly a good prospect for their returns.”

“Of course my boy I understand these bankers they have no vision, they do not see potential the way I do.”

“Look Zahed, we’ve worked together well in the past but I couldn’t accept a loan like that from you, I just cleared my debt.”

“AHAHAHAHA by the Gods did you think I called you here to lend you money AHAHAHAHA no I am a crook not a madman, no it would be you who is robbing me.” “No my boy investing that much money in you... well that sort of investment I make in young men, you are perhaps a little too much of a risk, shall we say for a long term investment.”

“By the lady you really have become a legitimate business man you sound just like those banking sons of bitches.” “Why the hell even call me here if you aren’t prepared to loan me the money and not that I want it.”

“My friend just because I do not want to loan you the money does not mean I do not see the potential in your little venture.” “There are many great prizes buried beneath the soil yet to be discovered and I have no doubt in time you could find them.” “But time I think is something you much less of then when we first met.” “Still for one such as you I think a few calls can be made, for an old friend.”

“By the gods so even you think I’m too old to be worth the investment, you know I wasn’t too old for those twins on Cestus Prime.”

“AHAHAHA of course I know you have much spirit in you dear friend... and that is what I will tell my friends in the bank.” “But my friend they will want things from me, these things they do not come free even for me.”

“What is you want Zahed!”

“My friend always straight to the price with you... why can we not be just friends discussing old times.” “Still if it is terms you are after then let us discuss these things. Now I will talk to my friends in the banks, I am sure they could find a way to accommodate such a loan... but they would need a reason I think, so let us say there should be a young man or woman... someone who could take on the loan just in case the worst should happen yes.”

“You had someone in mind?”

“Oh no my dear friend whoever you choose I am sure I will be fine with, just be sure not to make them too boring, I should like to meet them sometime, over a drink perhaps.” “And also I think should you find yourself nearby then perhaps you would do a favour for your old friend, and if you do find something that would be of interest to a man such as me, perhaps you would call me.” “Is such a thing really too much to ask for such a grand vision as you have?”

“Alright Zahed make the damn call, I think I know someone who fits the bill but the ship is mine, I dictate the jobs yes...”

“Of course my friend and the debt is yours also I do not involve myself in your money, all I ask is that you remember me when you find something of interest.”

How the hell do I get myself into these things... still with a ship and a crew I should finally be able to find that lost city and it’s treasures, well and a few other things along the way, shame to land the kid in it of course but he’ll be fine really, no need to worry him overmuch, for the best really make a man of him. Will probably need to find a doctor these sorts of missions always need someone of a medical background on them, ah sod it I’m going for a drink, I think there’s a bar near here...


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