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Session one: "A simple task"

(And so we begin our first foray into the Third Horizon...sort of... Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control (i.e. real life) we were down to 3 out of our usual 5 players. As I didn't really want to start the campaign "proper" without everyone present I decided to run a reworked version of the mini-adventure from the back of the core book. 

As this is heavily influenced by the published adventure and I don't want to spoil anything for other groups, unlike future write ups, this one will be quite slight on detail but hopefully it will still be worth a read...)

Captain Youssouf and Karim find themselves in a local bath house in Dabbah on the planet Dabaran, arranging a deal with a local merchant. He is aware that a young man has arrived in the city recently and the merchant believes that he has an artifact of value that he would like to purchase.  The crew agree to locate the fellow and either obtain the object, allegedly a rare statue of the Dancer, or at least arrange a meeting with the young man for the merchant himself.

Meeting up with Dastan they begin their search in the local bazaar. Dastan asking the more nefarious elements while the Karim and Youssouf try local antiquities and collectibles dealers.

Dastan finds a girl who may know the man they seek but she makes a run for it, leading to a chase through the bazaar.

Dastan finally catches up with his lead.

Dastan manages to catch her and assures her that he means no harm, eventually getting some details as to where the young man may be staying and the fact that he believed he was being followed, hence the girl's fear when Dastan tried to speak with her.

Meanwhile Youssouf and Karim have been talking with an old artifact and trinket seller who gives them some more information about the man they seek. They leave the store as Dastan arrives then suddenly come under fire from a mysterious assailant.

The figure shoots at them from a nearby roof, hitting Karim but not significantly harming him. Karim and Dastan give chase and manage to engage the attacker before they break off and flee. Our heroes give chase across the roof tops but the would be assassin is using a chameleon suit and soon evades them.

Returning to the alleyway containing the antique shop the crew locate the run down guest house where their target may be staying. After negotiating with the landlady they are shown to the young man's digs where they find him blind drunk. After managing to revive him Youssouff and Karim fail to get through to him but Dastan eventually successfully convinces him that they mean no harm. He then tells Dastan where the artifact they are searching for is as he is convinced that it is bringing him nothing but misery and just wants rid of it.

Leaving the guest house Dastan comes up with an idea.  As he is the only one who currently knows the hiding place he will get three cheap dancer statues, giving one each to Youssouf and Karim and, as he is familiar with the city, each will also have a location to go to. Once at their location they are to hide the statue he has provided and if the real object is there, then they are to take that instead.  This way if one or more of them is followed they don't know if they are on the correct path and the fake statues may also act as a red herring. They then schedule a time and place to rendezvous again.

Youssouf finds he has drawn the real location and grabs the object, then biding his time until they are due to meet again.

Karim finds his location empty and so stashes the statue he has.  At which point he discovers he had picked up a tail as the mysterious assailant attacks again.  Karim is hurt again but this time he came prepared and is able to return fire, but it appears that the attacker flees into the night once more.

Finally, Dastan wanders through a thriving area of night life, full of tavernas and eateries, knowing full well he doesn't have the correct location. When he is approached by the merchant who hired them all, and two surly fellows. the merchant seems to know Dastan when he wasn't with the captain when the deal was arranged and insists on staying with him until he meets up with Youssouf...

On the whole things seem to be going pretty well and I am LOVING running the setting (and trying hard not to make all male merchant NPCs sound like Watto from the Star Wars prequels.... ) and thankfully I have some great players who are reminding me when I slip up on the rules :)


  1. hello there

    great start to a Coriolis campaign, I am just about to start one myself.

    We have played the quickstart adventure, I was a player in that, so I am sure when I get the rules wrong the PCs will remind me!!

    1. Thanks for that - it's great to know that people outside of our immediate group are reading and appreciate this stuff :)


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