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Recruiting a crew

When we were looking at starting to play Coriolis I sent out a bunch of emails to our group to try to explain a bit about the setting and also try to gauge what people wanted to play and the concepts for the campaign itself and our crew of characters.

I'm an increasing proponent of running a "session zero" at the beginning of any extended game; a session where you don't expect to "play" as such, just set out what you want from the game.  It allows everyone to get on the same page and means you have a collaborative, co-created campaign from the off. Hence a lot of stuff about our new campaign was discussed and arranged via email, text and face to face conversations before we even sat around the table.

By mutual agreement we decided that our crew would be an "Explorer" group, and a core concept one at that.  Inspired by "Indiana Jones", "Uncharted", "Tomb Raider", "National Treasure" and "The Librarians" our crew would be relic hunters and freelance archaeologists. Their patron is Professor Omalda darBhouno of the Mathematical Institute of Daddah, and their nemesis is the unconventional archaeologist, Doctor Wana.

They have taken as their ship a mining vessel (using the stock ship in the core book) named "alqizam al'ahmar" and we will be commencing our adventures on the planet Dabaran...
Right then....on to the crew themselves....:

Our crew (or at least the best minisatures I could find for now...) L to R: Doctor Barthomley, Aleph the pilot, Captain Youssouf, Karim (top), Dastan (bottom)
The Captain, Youssouf Sherif - A cad, bounder, scoundrel and chancer.  Youssouf has been around a long time and done much, always staying a step ahead of the Darkness.  He now finds himself marketing his talents as an explorer and captain He has charmed the group's patron, providing them with an element of respectability, and he is now trying to create a legacy through his young apprentice, Karim.

Karim Akallabeth - son of one of Youssof's old cohorts and his "apprentice". While the captain lives largely by his charm and wits Karim is a wilder and more pragmatic and practical force. Originally a scout and tracker by trade, Youssof seems to see a younger version of himself in the young man and is "training" him to possibly succeed him one day. Karim is a conflicted soul though and harbours a dark secret from his friends and family. He acts as engineer aboard the ship, and occasionally as gunner.

Aleph Astir - Our pilot. Aleph is a veteran of the Zenithian navy who has seen too much. He could be defined as constantly trying to "lose himself"; be it in the wastrel excesses of his indulgent and privileged youth, the time he spent in the Zenithian Fleet trying to absolve himself of a "shame" he had brought on his family, or now; taking an extended "pilgrimage" with this rough and outcast explorer crew. He doesn't want to talk of what he saw during his service, and what drove him to serve, but whatever it was is driving him to search for answers, and perhaps personal peace.

"Dastan" (Malcolm "Mal" Astir) - While the crew know him as Dastan the savant expert on artifacts and treasures in reality he is Mal Astir, a highborn Zenthian who went on the run after discovering he had developed/been cursed with mystical powers. Using his supernatural gift with ancient items, his velvet tongue and a bit of Data Djinn trickery he managed to get himself ensconced in the Mathematical Institute until connecting with Youssouf and seeing his ship and crew as a potential opportunity... While recruited for his alleged archaeological expertise Dastan also acts as the ship's sensor operator.

Doctor Barthomley Chadwick Konstantinides - Our ship's doctor and occasionally coerced into working the sensors...The youngest scion of the wealthy Chadwick branch of the Zenithian Konstantinides family (and the by far the least athletic or focused) he was often the forgotten one in the large family. While he managed to coast a medicurgical degree he has spent more of his time carousing, dining and spending his family's money on researching more "esoteric" pursuits.  The captain once met him in a bar and saw both a kindred spirit and a potential revenue stream...


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