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Showing posts from October, 2017

Another fine mess...

Yusuf sat alone at Rickardo’s, a low rent dive he'd visited a few times when he was in this part of Coriolis. Rickardo’s wasn’t so much a place where everyone knows your name, as it is a place where no one even asks because that sort of information can get a man killed... or worse. Yusuf began to ponder the mounted animal head that passed for decoration here, trying to work out its planet of origin and just how many limbs it had before it became separated from its body. “I reckon six and some sort of tail” he mumbled to himself without realising and the bartender grunted something indecipherable that could have been a confirmation or he could have just been asking if he needed a refill. He did He'd been nursing his fire kohol for the last 15 minutes and couldn't make it last any longer. He took one last gulp and signalled for it to be filled again. Yusuf didn't normally drink alone, but he wasn't in the mood for company today. Sure he'd usually start the