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Showing posts from November, 2017

The Alqizam Al'ahmar redux

We started the campaign with the assumption that the crew's ship would be stock vessel selected from the core Coriolis rules. The reason being that it would give us minimal lead time into the game and, as everyone was new to both the setting and rules, we removed the risk of making uneducated choices when designing our own ship that we might regret later down the line. The players agreed on a Class IV mining vessel (fitting in with the group's Explorer concept) and we were set. ....then we had a well documented set of delays in actually getting the game off the ground, accompanied by a lot of conversational emails about the characters, setting, campaign concepts etc. Now, at the end of the second proper session of play, the crew have boarded their ship and set off. As the ship hasn't really entered play, and we as a group understand things much better now and have a fair idea of where we are heading with some of this, it was suggested that we do a minor retcon and take

Session two: "Reunions and deals"

Here we go (finally!) after a few real life hiccups we managed to get back to playing last week with our second regular session. We were joined by the fourth player in the group (playing Aleph, our Zenithian pilot) and continued our story from where we left off... Captain Yusuf meets up with Aleph in the cantina where the crew have agreed to rendezvous.  The pilot has been busy prepping the ship for their scheduled mission to Arara; a small, hot, world close to the star, Dabaran-A. Yusuf explains hat has been happening with their search for the statuette and the pilot is stunned by how much trouble they seem to have gotten into in such a relatively small space of time. After evading his attacker Karim soon joins them. He explains what has happened, possibly to Aleph's increasing amazement. Shortly after this Dastan also enters, with the merchant and two surly looking "employees" in tow. Dastan has the Artificer power and so I ruled that he felt the pull of the artifac